How To Hire The Right Senior Accountant For Your Business In UAE

Ensure Hiring The Right-Fit Candidates
Dubai has been ranked as one of the most preferred destinations for highly experienced and specialized senior-level professionals in sales, finance, accounting, and business analysis worldwide. Though Dubai offers some greatest comforts and luxury in addition to a tax-free salary, employers often find it difficult to hire professionals with relevant role-based skills, experience, training, industry exposure, personality traits, and linguistic abilities. Read this article to know more about the recruitment for senior accounting, finance, and sales roles in the UAE.
Dubai attracts some of the greatest talents for senior positions in accounting, finance, business administration, and sales due to the endless opportunities brought forth by new businesses.
These new ventures and expanding established companies have opened floodgates to diverse working options which were previously limited. These employment opportunities in finance, accounting, sales, and business development need careful consideration both from job seekers and employers.
With companies from countries worldwide having a presence in Dubai and recruitments gaining a more elitist or complex character, it is crucial for both the professionals seeking jobs in Dubai and their employers to know that certifications, permits, and academic qualifications differ from one country to another.
Hence, for expats, locals, and foreign nationals seeking to work in Dubai or elsewhere in the UAE, the first thing they should be acquainted with is the knowledge of UAE’s own rules and regulations for the employment opportunities they are seeking.
To make senior-level recruitment successful in terms of all the related metrics, recruiters in the UAE run an extra mile to comply with all the necessary criteria and guidelines. However, the task can be exhaustively complex, and recruiters might need assistance from consultants or experts in the process of attaining their outlined business goals.
Five Key Challenges That Lead to Bad Hiring Decisions
The process of senior sales executive recruitment, accountant hiring dubai, senior finance manager recruitment, and senior business analyst recruitment can be lengthy, with months of tough screenings and interviews.
According to many sources, despite the lengthy screening processes, most of the companies do not report a hiring success, but the costs involved are never a satisfying figure. This is so because while seeking to hire for senior-level positions without expert assistance, there is scope for many pitfalls and blunders.
For example, some in-house hiring managers and interview panels might be unaware that they have highly prioritized academic credentials but are not given sufficient weightage to a good track record earned by rigorous exposure. Oftentimes, industry experience is looked over in the pursuit of a ‘fresh’ and ‘ambitious’ talent which is one of the major pitfalls in the recruitment process.
We have mentioned below some more major challenges which lead to bad hiring decisions:
Key Focus on Academic Backgrounds
Undoubtedly, academic background largely determines a candidate’s first impression in the complete hiring process. His or her GPAs, CPAs, the reputation of the institution, and additional degree certificates add great value to a professional’s resume in the screening process.
The key focus on the academic background for hiring senior positions in accounts, business, finance, and sales might make you miss out on candidates with brilliant industry exposure, business acumen, learning curve, vision, and long experience in functions, tasks, software, and reporting systems.
It’s advisable not to underestimate expert practical insights, great situational judgment skills, and the ability to interpret cash flow bottlenecks or opportunity loss just in favor of an academically sound applicant.
Assessments That Focus on Academic Knowledge Not Industry Experience
Many times, companies might not put a huge focus on elite academic backgrounds while screening resumes but might frame assessments with a huge focus on academic knowledge. It’s quite a common mistake to let go of a project-specific approach in the senior-level recruitment process and adopt academic-oriented assessments in judging the applicant’s capabilities.
Value industry experience by questioning the candidate if he had improved a particular accounting process or contributed greatly to a project by finding solutions to specific issues that frequently occurred. For senior sales executive recruitment, look out for skills when he handled a particular situation or client in a crisis and how he had employed analytical skills to improve sales.
Weak Interview Formats
The interview process is an important parameter in getting the right insights about a candidate, but weak interview formats can make you lose a competitive edge. Structure the interview panel to incorporate a holistic approach and right scoring assessment. It should involve technical knowledge, practical abilities, track records, behavioral traits, and so on in order to bring out the best in the candidate.
Lack of The Right Candidate Scoring and Analysis
Streamline your hiring process by building up the right candidate scoring practice and analytics to judge the candidate on different parameters and skills. Categorize scores and weightage for different interview rounds, technical assessments, behavioral assessments, and performance-based on KPIs. You can also consider contacting expert recruiters or consultants to provide the best framework for candidate assessment.
Poor Background Checks
Whether it is recruitment to a position of senior-level or a basic clerical position, background checks are equally important before any kind of selection. Without a proper background check, companies can often get stuck up in fraud practices, discrimination issues, money laundering, and even serious criminal activities. Make a point to go through extensive background checks before going one step further.
Hiring for Senior Accounting, Sales, and Finance Roles – Tips From Alliance Recruitment Agency UAE Headhunters
1) Create A Highly Detailed Profile Description For Internal Reference
Having a precise and detailed profile description is the first major step in ensuring a successful hire. Your profile descriptions must reflect your needs, clear understanding, and expectations of the position.
To achieve this, lay down every piece of information, which includes industry background, age groups, personality traits, along with specific certifications and technical skills required like statistical modeling. Mention the type of experience and exposure you want in your candidates, but rather than writing them just in numbers, list them down concisely.
2) Frame Candidate Search Based On The Detailed Profile Description – Focus on Passive Candidate Search
Craft your job description in a way that targets not only the active candidates but passive ones, or cold leads too. Frame descriptions to reflect the pitch, company and position description, job requirements, company reputation, and additional perks or bonuses involved to attract all the candidates, particularly passive ones, by motivating them to switch to your job offer and find your company a better brand to serve.
3) Use Advanced Techniques and Tools To Receive, Store, Search, Scan, and Screen Resumes
Follow a structured format to screen resumes and applications to avoid any delay or confusion in the process. It’s advisable to ask candidates to fill in a detailed form that helps you store records for better filtering and analyzing for any criteria.
Adopting advanced techniques and tools to prepare pivots or analysis reports for recording data such as traits, attributes, experience, and so on will ensure a hassle-free screening process.
4) Use Custom Recruitment and Employer Branding Techniques Based on Age Groups and Geographies
When it comes to senior positions such as senior sales executive recruitment, senior accountant recruitment, engineering recruitment agencies in Dubai, and senior business analyst recruitment, use a multi-perspective approach rather than generic methods to share information that appeals to candidates from different age groups and different regions.
Focus on candidates in their late 20s or early thirties if you are looking for senior sales executives adept in current trends in your industry segment with the latest certifications in sales and CRM, along with the ability to discuss transformative ideas. The millennials expect their employers to be tech-savvy and perceive good companies would have the best technology systems and flexible politics.
You should also incorporate global and local insights to avoid missing great talents; for example, if you are a French or British company seeking a senior accountant recruitment process for your business unit in Dubai, the recruitment methods should differ from those you used in your home country.
5) Choose Well-Researched and Relevant Interview Formats and Questions
Use the interview stage to bring out the best skills in candidates. Frame interview formats and questions based on operational, situational, and problem-solving skills. Make sure your interview committee or panel members choose well-researched and only relevant questions which are unbiased, objective, and have no legal implications.
Besides, take assistance from experts who focus on necessary skills, knowledge, and competency levels for the position while framing the questions.
6) Know The Latest Hiring Trends
Employing the same, redundant recruitment methods to attract new hires would be a failed strategy. It can possibly repeal many qualified candidates and push you behind in the market race of talent acquisition.
Know the latest hiring trends or consult with a recruitment expert for overall guidance to ensure a successful hire for your business, finance recruiters dubai, accounts, and sales.
7) Compensation and Benefits Package Should Be Competitive
It is imperative for you to know and follow the latest trends for compensation and benefits packages in different companies working in the same sector as yours to have a strong and competitive market game.
Pay attention to offering innovative benefits such as work-at-home options, innovative holidays and their celebrations, or casual optional leaves. Numerous other creative ideas include adding children’s birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc., in their optional holiday list, cutting down on many traditional employee benefits to include paid subscriptions for different purposes, and using employee referral schemes.
Thus, employer branding would enhance the company image in the market tremendously to attract talented professionals.
8) Get Good Professional References And Check Backgrounds
Avoid hiring risks associated with a potential candidate by getting good professional references and background verifications. These methods validate the candidate’s authenticity. Moreover, what’s more assuring than a past employer vouching and recommending him for his dedication and reliability.
9) Avoid Delays, Making Professionals Wait For Too Long
Gone are the days where professionals wait for days for an employer’s response. Now everybody seeks prompt replies, quick procedures and considers grabbing better opportunities every second. Delay in any of the recruitment stages can make a top-class professional slip from your hands.
Alliance Recruitment Agency UAE
Alliance Recruitment Agency UAE is a global manpower agency that has been one of the most trusted hiring partners for 1,000+ clients and business service providers.
We are known for our expert recruitment consultants, great access to some of the best local talent pools, and have a strong presence in the entire Middle East region, replenishing manpower needs in SMEs, mid-sized firms, and companies, and operating in diverse locations and markets to find best-suited candidates for senior roles.
Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, global startups, international organizations, large online businesses, as well as SME sector firms. With efficient recruitment strategies, outcome-enriched plans, and a reliable team of professionals, Alliance Recruitment Agency UAE endeavors to assist organizations in building a strong workforce that supports their goals and complements company culture.